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  1. Alexanderrs

    Alexanderrs Sex Machine

    Dec 17, 2018
    I'm 64yo n change. I smoke tobacco. I drink alcohol. I get stoned on my favorite stuff. I ride motorcycles. A few times a month I party like a rock star.I eat healthy. Within a week , I eat more fruits n veggies,along w dead animals , than most people do per month.
    My wife of 30yrs passed 4yrs ago n I sold our home. I live in a 5th wheel camper on half n acre. I date. My package functions as well as when I was 19yo , only difference is stamina. My hair damn near reaches my ass. I work 40+hrs a week rebuilding automatic transmissions. I'm in the process of starting a custom T-Shirt biz. Financially I really don't need to work, but I still dig the challenge.
    • Like Like x 3
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  2. curiousscouser

    curiousscouser Porn Star

    Apr 26, 2011
    I would like to have dabbled in hallucinogenics in my youth. I didn't, and at 46 it feels like I left it too late to do that foolish sort of experimentation. It feels like at my age it wouldn't be daring and risky and thrilling, it would be pathetic and a little desperate.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Alexanderrs

    Alexanderrs Sex Machine

    Dec 17, 2018
    I've fallen 8 miles high n tripped off some clouds many times when I was young. I loved it !
    Drawback is , wear n tear physically. Me , personally, I suggest not to @ your age of life.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. curiousscouser
      I'm not planning on it, but I do wish I'd taken more of that sort of risk 20 years ago!
      curiousscouser, Jun 21, 2020
      heads-up and abej like this.
  4. Alexanderrs

    Alexanderrs Sex Machine

    Dec 17, 2018
    Tripping lasts close to 72hrs. Then around another 3 days of rest. LSD is extremely powerful.
  5. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
    When ya gotta tape popsicle sticks to your prick and your tongue to perform, it's time to give it up.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. MatthewWulfe

    MatthewWulfe Amateur

    May 19, 2020
    147 years old. That's the "too old" line.

    There. It's settle. You're welcome.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  7. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    Growing older is inevitable; growing up is optional!!! :D
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. arcaine one

    arcaine one Amateur

    Sep 20, 2018
    I dated a 47 year old woman when in was 18 only too old when your dead.
    • Like Like x 3
  9. DaleShine

    DaleShine Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2020
    Ok. I'm about to hit the Big 50. I feel like I'm 27 and one half.
    I've been married more than once. My kids are adults, in there twenty's. I've retired from work and the military, before I hit 50. I earned a B.A. at the age of 46, it took me 10 years to accomplish it, but I did it. I've cohabitated with all my relationship, long term.
    My last long term relationship ended without saying "Good Bye". I don't regret any of the time we spent together . I did something I should of not done through out years while working and in my relationships, I tolerated the "Bullshit". Well Im happy to say, I do not accept or tolerate "the Bullshit anymore. 'Im to Old to play games.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007
    • Like Like x 1
  11. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Did you know you can not overdoes on LSD?
  12. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    Today I became a Sexagenarian.
    • Like Like x 4
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. submissively speaking
    3. BigSuzyB
      The first day Summer. The big 60.
      BigSuzyB, Jun 21, 2020
    4. Dearelliot
      Hope it's a good one!
      Dearelliot, Jun 21, 2020
    5. BigSuzyB
      So far it’s been great. Thanks.
      BigSuzyB, Jun 21, 2020
    6. Truthful 1
      Happy birthday sincerely Susie
      Truthful 1, Jun 21, 2020
      BigSuzyB likes this.
  13. Alexanderrs

    Alexanderrs Sex Machine

    Dec 17, 2018
    Yes I do.
    In proper form , minimum mix to keep the door knocking from happening up the ramp , in the brain. Psilocybin (mushrooms) needs a buffer too. A pin needle point (dot) was how we made blotter paper. One drop made 10,000 blotters. $2 a hit was the goin price ! Sugar cubes were quick and intense. Window pane was smooth. I enjoyed the slow smooth ride to peak. Fcn laughing at everything for about three hours was the cool ride up for me. Peaking was beautiful. Especially in our youth without stress of life as we experience in later life.
    One of my best memories is. Me , my sister , a year younger than I , and another gurl did a hit each on our drive to high school in my 1967 Barcacuda coupe in 1971. It started kicking in. We wound up goin to the strip @ Ft Liquordale beach for new vinyl @ a music shop named PEACHES. We stayed 3 daze out front of the place , under palm trees.
    The good ole daze.
  14. Alexanderrs

    Alexanderrs Sex Machine

    Dec 17, 2018
    My 50th was the greatest. My wife n sisters set up a small RnR concert @ the local HD dealership. I hadn't a clue.
    Saturday morning. I'm wanting to sleep in. She says , I wanna go for ride n get some T-Shirts. OK.
    Was fucn awesome. Banners. Black balloons every where and about 300 people.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    I’m to old .
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. clive pickering
      Shut the fuck up ya fool ...
      You know what they say, it beats the alternative !
      You seem to cope ;)
      clive pickering, Jun 21, 2020
      msman and Truthful 1 like this.
    2. Truthful 1
      The alternative yeah I guess you’re right about that ,?lol lol lol lol There is something I want to do and I’m just too fucking old . Lol lol lol Im Going to try extra hard to cope .
      Truthful 1, Jun 21, 2020
      clive pickering likes this.
    3. clive pickering
      You know what I'd wished I'd maybe of done when I was younger.
      (Lot of things I "should" of done but this, I wish)
      Found a way of getting a quiet piece of green land & planted a wild wood come orchard
      clive pickering, Jun 22, 2020
      Truthful 1 likes this.
    4. msman
      You are never too old to try.
      If you are not successful get a little rest and try again.
      Don't let one failure get you down.
      msman, Jun 22, 2020
      Truthful 1 and clive pickering like this.
    5. Cherrypop
      You’re not too old for anything ♥️
      Cherrypop, Jun 22, 2020
      Truthful 1 likes this.
  16. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Too old is a personal decision. This is an intimacy that no one can decide but you and your partner and if other people’s opinions break up your and her happiness then the two of you never had a strong bond in the first place.